Wednesday 31 August 2011

Here's your invitiation to SWISH...

I am so looking forward to the Cuddle My Soul SWISH!

Have you been to a swishing event yet?  They're all the rage in London.

The racks and rails are ready to be adorned with all the lovely items of clothing, shoes and bags that you bring along to the event to swap and exchange - exciting isn't it?

If you are wondering what to bring to the Swish - here's 2 suggestions
Items that you haven't worn for a few months (or ages!)
Things that no longer fit (and you know that they probably never will again).

For those of you who haven't been to a Swish before - the process is really simple - when you arrive at the event, you'll be given tickets for your swishing items.  You then hang your swishing clothes on the relevant rails (they will be marked up by size)  same with shoes - just put them onto the racks under the appropriate size and bags can go onto the table.

Then you can go off and have a wander around the stalls, maybe have a therapy taster session, tarot reading or listen to one of the many speakers.  The Swishing room will be open the whole time - for you to claim the item/s you want - It's all very organised and great fun and you can pick up some great stuff.

I look forward to seeing you there!

Wednesday 24 August 2011

If you love unusual jewellery - you'll love Martha and the Magpie...

I'm delighted that Martha and the Magpie Jewellery are having a stall at the Cuddle My Soul event - Jenni has a range of funky and contemporary jewellery that not only looks absolutely FAB, the prices are great too!

I know I've mentioned the C word (Christmas) in a previous post - but come October you will be thinking about it, so this will be another perfect opportunity to stock up on pressies.

For the latest offers and designs etc.. here's the website.

Jenni has other strings to her bow too as well as Jewellery - I'm hoping she'll bring along a sample of her lovely hats and fascinators that are for hire.

You can follow Jenni - Martha and the Magpie on Twitter @marthamagpie

Sunday 7 August 2011

Are you ready for a new you - discover lasting joy in your appearance...

New Reflection is all about making the very best of you...

Whether you are a full time Mummy, returning to work after time off or just feel bored and stuck in a rut with your clothes, I am here to help.

Jo says... 'I want you to feel great about yourself every day. It really is so easy to achieve and will restore an inner confidence. You will be able to face any situation irrespective of who you are, where you go and what you do'.

Wearing your best colours will:

  • Give you a healthier, younger look
  • Give you more definition to your face shape
  • Give you sparkling eyes and glowing skin
  • Boost your confidence and create a positive impression
  • Give you an easy to mix and match wardrobe
  • Save you time and money when you go shopping
Jo comes highly recommended and I am so looking forward to her presentation at the Cuddle My Soul event.  I don't know about you, but I'm definitely ready for change - these days, I throw open my wardrobe and breathe a heavy sigh - I can never find anything to wear - in the main because I don't like it or it doesn't fit! (I must have washed all my clothes on boil - they all seem to have shrunk!!!) ;D

Premier Ballgowns will be be at the Cuddle My Soul Event.

Premier Ballgowns are bringing their lovely dresses to us...

I love these dresses - they are absolutely stunning!  I've been looking over Premier Ballgown's Facebook Page and Website - drooling over the gorgeous dresses.

From the styles to the colours - you can see they are flattering and I bet we'd feel gorgeous wearing any of them! 

If you've got a special event or occasion to go to - be sure to check out Premier Ballgowns - there's a fantastic range of gowns at some great prices!

Friday 5 August 2011

Are you a mum in need of organising?

I'm thrilled that Sarah Robbins is going to be a stall holder at Cuddle My Soul - showcasing her gorgeous products for busy mums!

Sarah is a busy mum herself - with 2 children (both under the age of 5) a home and a business to run.

I can't wait to see the Organised Mum products - Sarah was telling me that the quality is fantastic, the Calendars run for the whole of the school year from September to December - there are reward charts and all manner of special goodies.  I'm looking forward to seeing the diaries that have sections for all the family, Mummy, Daddy and enough space for 5 children!

Thursday 4 August 2011

It's official - Fairy Sparkles are going to be at Cuddle My Soul..

Fairy sparkles are strands of coloured silk - tied to one strand of your hair - How many you have is up to you!

Fairy Sparkles grow out with your natural hair - they can last a day, weeks or months!

What I find amazing is that you can brush, wash, curl, straighten and colour your hair without affecting your Fairy Sparkles!!!  How cool is that?

Fairy Sparkles come in a range of colours - they are fabulous!

I met Diane a couple of months ago, she was wearing the beautiful silk strands in her hair then - she looked amazing!  I was totally distracted by their shimmering beauty.  

I've never seen anything like it before (or since).  Diane is the only person in this neck of the woods who does this and I'm thrilled that she's going to be giving us the opportunity to be adorned with these gorgeous silk strands at the Cuddle My Soul event.

This is a close up picture of the Fairy Strands - they really are so pretty.

This is so new Diane doesn't have a website for her Fairy Sparkles - so I've posted a link to her business website - to give her some exposure and you never know.. 

You may also be interested in her photographic restorations business - I know I am!  Take a look at Diane's website to see some examples of her fantastic photographic restoration.